Scheduling my own induction

Daelyn • Happily married and mama to Finn Charlton + Ellis Jameson👦🏼👶🏼💕

This is my second baby, a girl. I had my son 2 years ago and the birth was very traumatic. He was 9.5lbs (I’m not a very big person!) and had the cord very tight around his neck. I had to stop pushing so they could cut it and when he came out he was grey and lifeless. They had to resuscitate him. He is now almost two and PERFECT. no issues whatsoever! Such a blessing. But now I am 33 pregnant with a baby girl and measuring ahead and she is already 5.5lbs! She’s going to be huge like brother. I’m wondering if I can mention my fear of repeating my first birth experience with a big baby and request an induction at 39 weeks. Baby girl will still be around 8lbs around that time, so I’m hoping they will allow it! I have Kaiser. Can they deny my request to induce despite very logical concerns??