Need thoughts on this.


This just came to mind. I'm 18w1d now, but the beginning of my pregnancy was very scary and rocky at times. I had bleeding twice very early on. First for a UTI, then from a sub chorionic hemorrhage. Both have healed and been gotten over, so it's fine. But when I was in the ER with the bleeding from the UTI, I was diagnosed with the UTI and sent home with medication for it and on bed and pelvic rest til I seen my midwife/OB because of a "threatened abortion". Scariest time of my pregnancy by far. My HCG levels had damn near bottomed out within like three days. Didn't know what was happening for nearly a week. Then I had the hemorrhage after it. Could it have been a twin? The reasons my levels went crazy then I had the hemorrhage, no one has an explanation to. That's been brought up before, and I just kinda brushed it off, but the baby that's still in my womb is a little small, and I'm not showing at all. I know no one can say for certain at this point, would just like an outsider's view.

17w3d, I believe

ultrasound around 10w