Recurrent chemical pregnancy


I posted about a week ago about my history of unexplained chemical pregnancies after a 14 week miscarriage. I've had about 13 early losses between 4 and 5 weeks in the past 3 years. Doctors cannot seem to figure out why I had a pregnancy that made it to 14 weeks (baby stopped growing at 13 weeks) and ever since then I can't make it past 5 weeks. My husband and I do have an 8 year old son, so we know we can have kids together. We have had all of the testing done and we are healthy.

Well now I feel like I've had some kind of breakthrough and I don't know if it will work but it makes a ton of sense to me and I'm excited to try.

TMI Warning: I will be taking about the details of my period.

Ever since my first miscarriage, my periods have been VERY short. Like 2-3 days. The blood is very dark and has lots of small blood clots. I have horrible PMS symptoms starting right after ovulation. I have mentioned this to every doctor that I have seen. None of them seemed concerned about this. Even though my period and cycle wasn't like this before.

After some research I found some information on a natural fertility website that states otherwise. All of these things are symptoms of having a build up of old blood in the uterus and it being unable to empty itself completely during a period. The old blood creates a hostile uterine lining which basically makes it impossible for a pregnancy to stick. This makes so much sense to me.

So basically, there is this fertility cleanse you can do that will detox your liver and help your uterus to expel any old blood that is stuck in the uterus. It prepares your uterus to be in tip top shape for growing a baby. I can't wait to try it and for once I feel a little hope that we will be able to grow our family!

I just wanted to share in case anyone was interested in trying it or had any experience with it. 😁❤️