Can we keep this a abortion support group please?

There are too many people that don't realize that this is a abortion support group. It's here to be supportive of people who going to get one, are debating about getting one or not and for them to just have a safe place to talk about their abortion.

EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT THERE ARE 3 OPTIONS! We are aware of the options of abortion, keeping and yes adoption.

We do not encourage everyone to get an abortion. A lot of us have seen people who have been leaning towards adoption on here. So we encourage them to follow what they want.

It's rude when people are constantly saying 'you know there's adoption right'. YES ITS AN OPTION, but it may not be the option for her.

Believe me when I say this, we are sorry about 'all the women who can't have children and would do anything for one'. I'm sorry if your not able to have a baby, I honestly wish you the best of luck. However trying to guilt us with that because you don't agree with abortion. Is not ok. I don't even understand why I see that in an abortion support group.

Also, I am aloud to have sex! Having sex with someone isn't some dangerous. Stop referring babies as consequences and them calling them blessings. It's not your concern if someone use birth control or not. They don't need to justify why they want one.

I've just seen so many people literally STALKING this group that are obviously not pro choice. If your going to comment on all these post about how your absolutely 100% against abortion no if and buts about it, then proceed to say how they can't get one, that's the consequences of having sex, they have to go through a pregnancy that they don't want to and put it up for adoption. If you are commenting things like that on this group then why are you here?

This should be a safe place to talk about abortions.