Is it my fault to feel like this?


Im 36 weeks preg. My husband just decided to quit his job. He spent day at home to sleep and night to play game and drink.

Continue like this everyday. I sleep in living room downstairs because i feel more breathable. So everyday just like he came down to eat talk to me until finished his food then go back upstairs. What's the hell is this??!

Im moved from my country to stay here so he should see that I have nobody here. Not like I want him near me all the time but at least concern how well im being.

He hardly help anything in house. No any washing work as he has ocd with cleaning.

Sometimes he drink and play vr game talk to people on there but have no care to me.

He gave me kiss and said he love me but it's just a word. I thought i should get a lot of support and attention during this time but NO. He asked me to support him because he got too much pressure from work that y he quit. But what's about my support? I just awake at night and cry myself downstair and he expected support from me who is losing myself at the moment. Is it wrong? Am I being selfish? ...