I didn't want to, but she made me do it


As a person who has had a "fat complex" since I was little, and a survivor of bulimia (3 years strong), the last thing I wanted was to take maternity pictures with my swollen face. As happy as I am about my baby boy I still struggle daily with gaining weight. It doesn't matter how much I know deep down that gaining this weight is normal and healthy, it never keeps the lump out of my throat that I get when I look in the mirror. Luckily I have a very good friend who knows how to talk me into doing things, and sometimes I end up really glad I listened! As hard as this pregnancy has been on my self esteem as well as the severe anxiety I have developed with it, she managed to make me feel beautiful and graceful for a short amount of time and captured it perfectly. For once I feel like a goddess giver of life and not like a whiny whale of a person!

*also a shout out to my SO for being so supportive and qawking at me while getting my pictures taken 😍