Should I be mad?


I’m trying to get ready for a party ( it’s the anniversary of my brother’s death and his wife throws a party to make it easier to deal with). We have a toddler, I’m not sleeping well and I usually let my husband do whatever the @*#$ he wants when I’m home because I watch the kid. Well I’m loosing my mind because the clingy mini-me won’t leave me alone and he’s not watching her. I finally sit down and smell a dirty diaper. I get mad, and go grab the wipes and he cuts me off at the door to her room, snatches the wipes, and closes the door in my face. I’ll admit I’m being a bitch, but I’m dealing with work texts, growing a baby, and I’m just tired of having someone clinging to me all the time.

Am I justified in being pissed because he closed a door literally 3 inches from my face?