What the what?

Okay so I have three apps that I track my cycles on and they all said I should’ve started my period 3-4 days ago. Usually, my periods are really bad, severe cramping, lightheaded ness, diarrhea, the works. I have been experiencing some light pinkish spotting today, only noticeable when I wipe. None of my usual period symptoms. I took a test the day of my missed period and it was a bfn. But, I had a dream last night that I took multiple tests and they were all positive. And now it’s looking like I’m having implantation bleeding? So I’m thinking I maybe ovulated later than I thought? My periods have always been consistent 28-29 days but here we are on cycle day 32 with no AF. I have a doctors appointment coming up in a week for my annual exam, so I guess we’ll find out for sure what’s happening then!