Could I be pregnant?

So over the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing a lot of new things. I recently went off birth control for the first time in over 9 years, and immediately started ttc. Well over the last two weeks I have experienced an increase in nausea, dizziness, headaches, food aversions and cravings, my boobs have gotten bigger, I'm bloated, my allergies have started acting up badly, indigestion, gassy, extremely happy and yet emotional, extreme fatigue, my insomnia has gotten a lot worse, I'm drinking more and as a result peeing more, I'm not hungry like at all and when I am I only want bacon or fruit (I hate bacon, please no judging), burning/pinching type cramps(never had this before with any period or cyst), I had some constipation, and my cervix is high and closed. I'm due for my period in three days, so I'm trying to hold off on testing in case it's my body playing tricks on me, but considering my cervix has risen over the last couple of days instead of going lower... I'm not sure that my period is coming.... typically at this stage in my cycle I would be constipated, bitchy, starving, and wanting nothing but chocolate! None of that is happening! Please help! I know I won't know for sure unless I test, but I want to know what other people have experienced and if this sounds similar.... also, twins run in my family....

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