Pregnancy Body shaming 😡


Ok once again I have been told by a couple people that I’m not pregnant or I’m way too small to be almost 25 weeks!!! I’m so tired of it. I posted this picture and got tons of shitty comments stating that my post was fake that I wanted attention and if I was pregnant that my baby wasn’t healthy and I must be scared of gaining weight!!! Well here is a side by side of morning VS night. Yes I look bigger at night bc I eat through out the day. I look smaller in the morning bc there is nothing but baby in there. I have a tilted uterus so it tilts towards the back taking longer to show than someone with a normal uterus or one that is front facing. I was also fit before I got pregnant and still hit the gym so my body holds up better than the average everyday pregnant women. I DO NOT starve myself (I actually eat EVERYTHING) I do get insecure from the comments bc to me I feel like I’m getting bigger yet people say I’m unhealthy. I’m growing a damn human yes I eat more but I’m NOT eating for 2! I’m eating for myself and the health of my baby that is only a foot long at the moment it’s not a full grown human that needs to eat just as much as I do. I’m tired of the pregnancy body shaming on this app. I’m sorry not every one carries the same but that’s just how life works!!!