Baby only naps in Baby Bjorn bouncer!



My 11 week old baby girl used to fall asleep while breast feeding but after 8th week she stopped it and since then it is so hard, almost impossible to put her asleep and keep her asleep during the day. I tried rocking, wearing, etc.. One day she fell asleep on her Bjorn bouncer while I was slowly bouncing her so since then unfortunately it became my go-to method. The problem is once I stop bouncing, she wakes up and gets fussy which means I can’t leave her during naps. Also she doesn’t sleep longer than 30-40mins. I swaddle her before and try to move her to her crib or RocknPlay but she wakes up immediately.

How do you put your babies to sleep and more importantly keep them sleep? How long your babies sleep during the day? I need new strategies. Thanks✌🏼

Side Note:

Her typical sleep pattern between 7:30 am- 7:30 pm: Max 2-3 hours sleep in total in 30 to 60 mins stretches

Between 7:30pm to next morning: Almost 10hours total in approx. 3 hour stretches.

She sleeps in her RocknPlay at nights, we put her in RnP and give her expressed bmilk in bottle and she is usually out by 9-9:30pm. If she doesn’t, we put her in bouncer again sometimes. Unlike day time, once she is out in bouncer, she doesn’t wake up if we move her to RnP.