Dear Best Friend

I'm sorry for not being good enough and being stupid, a brat, and apparently ugly. I'm sorry that you didn't understand my jokes or what I was talking about when you yelled at me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you first that my parents were getting divorced. Why did you always yell at me? I did everything you wanted me to. I brought you your favorite snacks when you were down, I let you come to my house when your life was too hard, and I even changed myself to fit with you. Now you don't even acknowledge or say one word to me although I sit two seats away from you at lunch everyday. I still bring you pickles everyday. I still compliment your beautiful hair and clothes. I don't know why I ever looked up to you. You left me when my dad did. At my darkest point you didn't help me at all. You left me all alone. And I will never forgive you for it.