Thanks babe. 😒


I’m in the bedroom laying in bed crying because this pregnancy is stressing me out to the max. I’m 20 weeks. My husband made a comment about how I’m letting HIS family walk all over me because every time they ask him a baby related question he tells them that it’s a me thing and to ask me. And he’s in the damn living room playing on his GAME BOY. WTF. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO MAKE BEING EXCITED ABOUT THIS BABY SO HARD. He doesn’t want to deal with the gender reveal that we aren’t hosting. He doesn’t want to talk baby stuff. He doesn’t want a nursery (which he decided we needed to move to have a second room for baby but actually just a guest room for his friends). He complains about having to go to drs visits. WTF DO YOU WANT MAN. This is baby #1 for us and I feel like I can’t even be excited that it’s happening. My whole life and body is changing and he’s just over in La la land doing wtf ever he wants.