Lifestyle/infertility blog name help!


Hey all! I’m excited to begin my own blog as a way to help get through this infertility journey that I am really just beginning. It will be a lifestyle blog covering our home, recipes, and our fertility journey. I need some help with a name! I’ve included several, below, but please comment if you would like a different combination of blog title and Tagline than what I included and let me know which ones you like best! You ladies are my target audience for the blog so I definitely want to hear your thoughts!

Precious & Petite: Our journey through life, love and the pursuit of a baby

Tiny girl versus the world: Celebrating life while waiting for our baby

Tiny girl versus the world: Covering all things precious & petite in life and home

Precious & Petite: Making the most of life’s challenges from a working woman waiting to become a mother