An ex

Hi all! I know this shouldn't be a big deal BUT. I live in a somewhat small town, so for the most part everyone went to school with everyone and knew about relationships and stuff and you can't go to a store or restaurant without seeing someone you know.

Well, I've been dating my current boyfriend for two years now and it's been great. He of course knew my ex and I knew both of his. I'm actually friends with one and used to be somewhat friends with his most recent. Him and his most recent broke up a month before we got together (started talking AFTER they broke up) because she started ignoring him and talking to other guys.

Well, she moved to the next town over so of course we don't ever see her. Well, his aunt has been going to this hair salon the next town over for years and the past few times she's went to get her hair done, my boyfriend's ex has been here because apparently she's studying cosmetology there. Okay so whatever it's not a big deal except that every time his aunt has gone in there she suddenly starts talking crap about him to her coworkers/class mates and doesn't try to whisper! It's been 2 YEARS!

His aunt hasn't said anything to her about it because she tries to be nice but boy does she glare! Anyways, she wants me to come with her to get our hair cut and basically wants to rub it in my boyfriend's ex's face that he's dating someone and everyone in his family likes her (they didn't like his ex because of trying to cheat and was demanding and apparently never wanted to come see anyone in my boyfriend's family). I know it's petty, trust me I KNOW. But I mean I kind of want to but I kind of don't. I mean I'm a super shy person so that kind of intimidates me. But on the other hand I want her to be jealous because of how mean she was to my boyfriend (also used him to get info on her ex and his new relationship at the time...we've all come to a consensus that that's all she wanted out of their relationship). Plus I'm super petty in general so🤷🏽‍♀️

But I'm just not sure how I feel about it because, again, it's been 2 YEARS. But at the same time she still talks crap about him and about how he'll never have a girlfriend after her because of how clingy and ugly he is. Like??? Would any of you ladies go just to shut her up/make her jealous? Or would you just leave it alone?

We're freshmen in college by the way, if that makes a difference on how you feel. I just don't know. To me, it's mean, but she's mean behind his back so I don't know maybe it cancels out? It also makes me think that she never actually got over him even though she broke up with him? I'm just not sure.

I'd like to know what you all would do, if anything. Thanks ladies!

EDIT: However, I have thought about just going there by myself (it's supposedly a really nice salon and cheap since all of the stylists are students) and only saying something if she happens to bring it up. She doesn't know we're dating and if I go by myself I wouldn't say a word unless she says something (sorry but I'm the type of person that HAS to defend people when they're unable to do it themselves).