Need strong words of encouragement

My husband is at Ft Sill currently completing BCT. His MOS is 13F so that means his AIT will be at FT Sill too. I follow a support group on Facebook that gives you great info and tonight someone said their husband has been on hold over for AIT for 3 months and he has the same MOS as my husband. The thought of having 3 extra months added onto our time apart is heartbreaking to me. It’s difficult to raise our son alone. These past 7 weeks have been very difficult for me already and knowing there is a chance it will be longer than originally planned is bringing me down. I know that deployment will be worse, we will deal with that once it comes. So please no rude comments about how I have to toughen up because deployment is worse. I know that. Has anyone had to deal with this? I know he won’t be able to leave the base, he will have his cell phone thankfully. We also live 6 hours away so I considered relocating just outside of the base just so I can go on base and see him in his free time.