Is it fair for my mom to treat me like I'm the same teenager as she was?

Alright so today my boyfriend came over. He is the best thing to have ever happened to me. I've gone through some really hard things in my life, a life threatening disease that has killed my organs and had to be stopped by chemo for many years, abused by father for 11 years and my mother over the last few years. It was some physical but mostly verbally and emotionally. My mother is extremely emotionally abusive though. She's manipulative and is always making me feel absolutely terrible about myself. The reason I have so much anxiety and depression. But unfortunately I have to live with her for another year and a half when I turn 18. Things just have been getting worse and it just is really affecting me. But anyways my boyfriend has been there for me through all of this. So thankful for him. The bad thing though, my mom does not like him. I don't think my step dad does either. They're extremely uptight and hate anyone who jokes around. He's a really really good kid. We're both heavily involved in the church, youth group on Wednesdays and then him and I go to check with each other on Sundays. He preaches at our church too, he gets mentored by the pastor and is an all around amazing guy. Well today my mother came downstairs while we were kissing. Nothing else. Like hands were all in appropriate places, the only thing was he was on me a bit. My mother gets really really heated though. She's pissed at both of us and is saying we can't make out every time we are alone, it's very inappropriate, she shouldn't have to walk downstairs and see that, etc. She just got angry at us. We have literally made out twice. We both have strict boundaries for each other, and both against pre marital sex. My mother is acting like and has assumed that him and I are having sex though. And it really is pissing me off. I went on birth control to help my periods, first thing she says, "just because you're on birth control doesn't give you free will to do what you want cuz you have a boyfriend." She thinks I'm this terrible kid and acts like she was never a teenager. And when it's brought up that she was a teenager she pretends she's perfect. I'm a virgin I'll be 17 this year as well. My mother got pregnant at 18. So obbiously she was a teenager. Would she rather us sneak around and do stuff or just let us a kiss for a bit. It's just stupid and I'm irritated. She doesn't want me to be like her, and when I tell her I'm not she doesn't believe me. I have told her how against pre marital sex I and my boyfriend are and that another thing she just says "I know" to. It's just stupid. What are your guys opinions?

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