we flirt but he has a girlfriend smh😭💔 what should i do ?


ok so where do i start i have this person who i like i liked him before and we got into and argument about our friendship and how it would ruin and i caught feelings for him again i really like him but he has a girlfriend so we became friends again and he was going thru a hard time so i was there for him and his girlfriend wasn't so he is alway looking at me and everyone says we flirt with each other we play around alot but he "flirts" with alot of girls but me and him flirt differently from the other girls we text everyday he is always texing me and its cute he is so sweet and cute and im not sure what to do when were in class he looks at me and takes my stuff he buys me stuff and im trying to get with him but he has a girlfriend and thats the only problem from what you've read do you think he likes me

ladies i need help asap i can't take any farther steps if i dont know what to do and the whole girlfriend situation what should i do ohh yea he tells my friends that he is single but there still together so im not sure its quite confusing