Looking for a term for myself

So, I just recently cheated on my bf sort of. There’s this kid that I know who we had grown closer as friends in the past month and I was around him every day hanging out and what not. Neither one of us have been able to see our SO and stuff just kinda happened. The two of us never had sex or anything (ew), we just cuddled and would kiss every now and again. My bf now knows cause I told him and he’s frustrated with both of us, yet he is sticking around and giving me another chance. I really don’t deserve it, but whatever. Anyway, getting back to the point here. Even though everything going on between me and my friend has stopped, I still feel like absolute shit about the whole thing. I’m looking for something to call myself that isn’t slut or whore because those terms don’t fit me and my situation. I know this is probably the most fudged up thing you’ve ever read and/or answered but please help me out. Give me some sort of term, please. And go ahead and call me other things, I deserve it. 😔