Would it be smart to elope? Please take time to read

My SO and I are 20 years old. We have good jobs and I'll get a better one soon ($3 raise the hour). My SO has a higher paying job than I and is going to a guard/police academy soon. I still live at parents but I have 5k saved up thanks to that, my SO has 1.3k. The thing is, I would have to put school off for a while.

I am in a really bad place and I don't know if I'm acting on emotions. I have severe general anxiety and mild depression (all confirmed by two doctors, had it since I was 10). I have recently been off meds because insurance can be expensive. I hope to be (and most likely will be) able to afford insurance once I am stable. My SO and I have been dating for a long time (years) and, well, he's my fiancé.

I feel like I'm in the dark. My condition is getting worse and honestly I only feel better when he's with and around me. He can tell right away that I don't feel good and will stop me from feeling bad. He takes me out of situations I'm not comfortable with. He's very attentive to me. My parents are on the narcissistic side, my current home life isn't so good and I'm falling behind in school..any advice will help me..thank you.

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