Super active baby, kicks everyone


So my hubby likes to love on my belly from time to time an he get his face next to it to talk to the baby an he says "you be good to your mama". Lol well the other night I fell asleep while waiting on him to get out the shower an I musta been really tired cause he decides to tell me he reached over while I was asleep an put his hand on me to feel the baby and he said as he was about to say be good to your mama again, the baby starts kicking his hand an moving around alot, he says is DAMN calm down an he sat there an felt the baby for a bit. lmao he told me this the next day an I'm like I told you he'll kick the snot outta me and you touch me while im sleeping what else you been grabbing on. lol. Every time I go to the Dr. Just before they put the heart monitor on my belly they ask if I've been feeling alot movement, an every time I tell them, oh just wait he'll probably kick you. An every time he never lets me down, he kicks the Dr. Every time. Lol I've got a kicker! I've even got him to kick his sister's hands they look at me all wide eyed like whoa. Lol he likes to stay covered up though, if I take off my blankets he stops. I can't wait to meet this little guy. He sure is a hoot. He's been up in lungs alot lately too, I tell him your killing me! That does not feel good. Anyone else got a extremely active baby? 32 weeks! 53 days left! Can't wait!! (Don't look at my finger nails hubby painted them lol)