5 weeks 5 days (NO YOLK SAC) 😟


At 5 wks And 3 days I went and got a Transvaginal ultrasound and my levels checked due to bleeding... my levels were 8,000 ...2 days later they went up to a lil over 13,000 , but my ultrasound showed an empty sac at 5 weeks and 5 days... no yolk sac ... I’m worried I know that I was exactly 5 weeks and 5 days and the sac also measured that from what the doctor said... she told me to come back in 2 weeks... and that it could still be early...these 2 weeks I know I will worry myself sick .. Also the bleeding is a Subchorionic Hematoma so I am also having to deal with that...

I’m losing hope because at 5 weeks you should see a yolk sac... I have a regular 28 day cycle and I knew the exact day I ovulated because I was using ovulation test trying for this baby... now it seems this baby may not make it... my heart is broken💔😞