Gender disappointment?


I’ve seen posts about this before, but more about being disappointed when finding out...

I’m very early in pregnancy, but we are not learning the sex of our baby until it is born. Just something I’ve always wanted to do...but I know my husband REALLY wants a boy. Like, he keeps saying he will be devastated if it’s a girl, etc. I can’t tell what percentage serious/just joking he is...but he’s always wanted a boy. He doesn’t even want a female dog lol...

His sister has a 4-year-old girl and just announced to the family at a reveal that they are having another girl. His whole family reacted by giving them a hard time. His mother even said “oh I was really hoping for a boy this time” or something like that in front of everyone which I thought was CRAZY rude! His sister even opened up to me that her boyfriend really wanted a boy and is severely disappointed...

How can I prepare my husband for the possibility that this baby will be a girl? And get him excited about the prospect? Has anyone else had experience with this? If his family ever reacted the way they did to his sister to me, I would honestly be very hurt and angry...