i dont know what to get him

shey • 21

im stuck on what to buy my man, i ask him what he wants all the time (besides me which he already has) but every time i think of something like tools his brother is have him tools, car seat cover for his new jeep, clothes mostly hoodies bc its cold now. he loves working on cars, dirt bikes four wheelers, and go karts. its gis bday today 1/17/18 ♑ and i cant bring a cake if i wanted all the cakes and ubereats are sold out and the only thing left is Krispy kreme and they hve happy birthday donuts but he doesnt like sweets. and he keeps saying i dont have ti buy him things but i want to and ik it doesnt have to always be material things but its like its ok for him to buy me things but not the other way around we was going back and forth at walmart bc he wanted to buy my things but i have money and i was going to pay for it myself but since it was nothing serious i just let him buy them. but im really trying to think i even went to his profiles to find out what he likes and it wasnt much help.