vaginal's head is engaged?

Christie • 👼🧑👦👧👼👧👼👼🤰🌈

hi ladies, I've been in the hospital for a about 30 hours with preterm contractions. They were able to stop my initial contractions after about 9 hours with 3 doses of Adalat(Procardia). I have received both shots of steroids for baby and am currently being treated with long acting Adalat every 12 hours to stop them from recurring. They did come back for a bit today but stopped after 2 hours. I have had 3 prior c-sections and only laboured fully with my first but I had an epidural before he ever really engaged in my pelvis.

what I am wondering is what it feels like when baby's head was engaged? I am now feeling this weird pressure in my vagina - like something is pressing hard against my g-spot. it is different from pressure from constipation because it's near the front. I'm having menstrual cramps in front and back but not actively contracting right now. I feel like they could start up again at any time though and am in the grey area of med effectiveness having just taken my next dose.