First comes pregnancy, then comes opinions...

Amanda • #girlmom🎀

Let me start off by saying, everyone’s pregnancy journey is different and I respect whatever your opinion is on this subject.

My SO and I tried all last year to become pregnant and after a miscarriage and a lot of blood, sweat and tears we finally conceived with a healthy baby (yay!!) and are now 11 weeks pregnant.

We told both of our families in which they instantly reacted with the “okay so when is the wedding?”. My boyfriend and I are deeply committed to each other and after much thought and discussion have decided that marriage isn’t for us but a family is.

You see I’ve been married once already and he was engaged and planned a wedding that never went through. We’re not against others tying the knot but to us financially and for other personal reasons it just doesn’t make sense to us at this point in time.

My parents are giving me a hard time. Pushing the idea onto me that I was raised to do things differently but my family and I disagree on several opinions. My fear is that this will divide us from them and that’s not something we want for our family but I refuse to be lectured and judged constantly for my decisions. I need my child surrounded by love and acceptance, especially by their families.

Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation?