Ladies can you help me out


My husband and I’s 5 year anniversary (not wedding anniversary) is coming up in less than a month and I’d love to make him a book of our 5 years together with pictures and little letters and such and I’d like to add these in there.

These are ones I’ve done for others. I would wand it to say

“Tommy, Kristen’s love for you is so STRONG it has reached ________ (your location)”

Quick edit: just in case the location would be your state and if you’d like to put your town as well it’s completely optional ☺️

Thank you so much in advance everyone ❤️

We’ve been having a lot of problems here lately and I just want him to realize how much I truly do love him. He’s the most hard headed stubborn butt head I’ve ever met but he’s my stubborn hard headed but head lmao


Mine for him ❤️ with my babies