**Long Sappy Apprecitation Post**

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

Since it’s 2 AM and I can’t sleep I’ve just been laying here admiring my rings. Not just because they’re beautiful but because of what they stand for and the love and thought behind them. I remember getting out of bad relationship after bad relationship and being up til 2 AM some nights bawling my eyes out feeling like I was never going to find real love or someone who truly cared about me. I felt like even if I did meet that guy I still wouldn’t even be good enough for him. When my husband came along I tried so hard not to fall for him! Like I tried to stay guarded and only care for him as a friend and not risk the disappointment of another failure or being hurt when I hadn’t even fully recovered from the previous. He fought passed all the bs and nonsense I threw his way and showed me what a genuine relationship between 2 mature people was. This man loves me so unconditionally that even after 2 years together, 1 year married I’m still so taken back by how in sync we are and how annoyingly happy we make each other. He made my biggest dream come true when I got pregnant with our now 6 month old son and he was so patient and understanding with me during my pregnancy. Now as he’s growing and learning more and more everyday I could not have begged/wished/prayed for a better father for our son and (hopefully) children to come. He picked out this ring 6 months before we got engaged and had been looking for months before that. During that time I remember constantly worrying about if one day he was going to just wake up and have grown tired of me, everything seemed too good to be true so surely it couldn’t last right? Little did I know he was already planning to spend the rest of his life with me! Even the way he proposed was so romantic I could hardly stand it! He makes me feel like a Queen everyday. He’s constantly putting my wants/needs over his even at times when we’re not each other’s biggest fan. I didn’t have the best relationship with my dad growing up and I seriously can not wait until we bring a daughter into this world so I can watch him treat her like such a princess and spoil her rotten! I love this man to the moon and back and there will never be enough ways to express that to him. We don’t do sappy posts on social media or anything like that, that’s never been our relationship dynamic but I just wanted to share because when you have something this good sometimes you just gotta shout it from the rooftops 💗

Well..it’s now 3 AM so maybe I should close my eyes for five min before my munchkin wakes up...oops! Lol