Low Placenta


I am 16+6 with my first baby. I had some bleeding on Monday 1/8 and went to the ER. They did an ultrasound and everything was fine with the baby. No blood showed up of the ultrasound. Fluid, heartbeat, and size were good. I’m O- blood type and Rh- so they gave me the Rhogam shot. (You get it in the butt, and don’t let anyone lie to you...IT HURT!) They sent me home and told me they don’t know why I’m bleeding, it just happens sometimes.

I had an appt with my Dr the Monday after and she said that my placenta is too low. It is 2 cm from my cervix and it needs to be higher. She never said how high it should be.

Now I cannot lift anything, do anything strenuous (including cleaning and laundry), and no intercourse.

Does anyone else have low placenta placement or had it and it moved up eventually?