Induction due to small baby 😕

Kyli • 24. Married to my best friend. Pregnant with my little rainbow 🌈👶🏼🎀.

So throughout this third trimester I’ve had 3 growth scans because baby girl is on the small side. She was measuring 5 lbs 4 oz, in the 14th percentile on Monday when I was 36 weeks and 6 days. I saw a specialist and baby girl is healthy, my fluid levels are good, blood flow through the cord is good, etc. Doc thinks she’s just a small baby. 🤷🏻‍♀️ BUT he said they don’t like small babies staying in past their due dates. He recommended delivery between 38 weeks and 39 weeks 6 days, so being induced between then if I don’t go into labor on my own. I go to my OB tomorrow for my 37 week appointment and follow up from Monday. I assume my OB will set an induction date for me then. Just wondering if anyone else is being induced or has been induced with a previous pregnancy? What was your experience, and if you’re being induced are you nervous!? I am. ☹️ I really did not want to be induced at all, so I’m kind of struggling with the thought of it. I do not want to end up with a c-section. 😩