Dear Erik

I used to be so angry with you. You made me fall in love with you and then slowly ripped my heart from my chest. You broke me and made sure I would never want to trust a single guy again. You took advantage of me and my position as your best friends little sister.

So this one goes to you. You are the reason I did this. You are the reason I decided to love myself. I gave everything to you and you gave me absolutely nothing in return. You used me and I let it happen. You told me I wasn't enough and that I wasn't going to ever be good enough for you but still, I wanted more than anything to be with you.

But now, I am choosing to love myself instead of loving you and it is honestly the best thing I have ever done for myself. So here's to you, thank you for not loving me and for making me realize that I needed to change. And I hope now that whenever you see me you realize how big of a mistake you made by ruining me because now I am stronger than ever and you will never be able to effect me again.