It is all abit much


So lately everything has been going to custard. We've moved into a new house and it hasn't even been 5 days and we're moving, due to the landlord/ tenant having an issue with men (Trauma related) and being very nasty to my partner. Just been fired from my scholarship that was going to end in 2 weeks, due to not being able to work certain days because of needing to work my actual job, to not end up homeless. Also, my Mum won't help me financially, because she says she has done enough and I will learn from this. I'm 21 and can't earn more then $80 amount each week, due to my holiday allowance, otherwise that cuts out. I'm thankful that I have an amazing partner and for his family, otherwise I don't know how this would all end up. But right now, I just hope nothing else goes wrong and that this landlord/tenant doesn't harm my partner. Sorry for the long post, but I had to write it out, as I'm not quite sure how to handle things anymore. How do you handle almost being homeless and broke?