Dear Thomas,

If I were writing this letter a year ago, it’d go differently. Angrier. At this point I’m tired of it. I guess I’ll always have to thank you for the role your played in creating my daughter - but that’s about it. She’s loved and cared for by a man far better than you could ever hope to be (and me, obviously). She is smart and kind and happy and hilarious, and none of that is thanks to you.

You destroyed my credit.

You spit in my face. Literally.

You don’t pay child support.

You don’t see ‘your’ daughter.

You give me every excuse you could imagine.

But I don’t even care anymore. I’m not angry with you. It’s not worth my energy.

I’ll never say I regret my relationship with you, because it taught me so much. I am a strong woman who will ALWAYS do what’s best for myself and my child(ren). I KNOW my worth and won’t settle for less. I will never again be involved with a man who drinks every day. I will never again be involved with a man who raises his hand to me. I will never again be involved with a man that lies to me. Cheats on me.

I’m thankful for the lessons, even though I learned them the hard way.

