1/17 cd 11 πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


alright ladies i normally dont O early, usially around cd 15 or 16, but i have been having heaavvvvvy watery cm, some ewcm mixed in today, but im talking ....

have not been this way in many many months , if ever this early on, so im .🀞 its a good sign! i have O'd on cd 12 in the last 6 mo so theres a chance it could happen any moment!! also, i started having a little right sided ovary pain yesterday, none today, usually a sign O is coming! DH is going out of town tomorrow for work until most likely sunday night, so this was the last ditch effort for this cycle, but i have realllly high hopes based on my temps and symptoms! my current status

praying these swimmers can stay alove until the egg drops! up to 5 days right?? maybe? oh please say some prayers girls i just have this feeling its now or never and idk why!