I need help!!!

Ok so this is kinda long so stick with me

So around 2 years ago I ‘dated’ this guy. And I say ‘ dated’ because It wasn’t really. We were messaging a lot and he was nice but I didn’t like him the way he liked me. My friends would always make a comment when we would see eachother at school and even though it’s really bad of me I didn’t say anything. I just laughed. A couple of weeks of talking and stuff he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn’t want to because I didn’t like him like that and he knew. We were talking to me as friends but I don’t think he got the memo.

When he asked me out I just sort of was making up reasons on why I didn’t want to. Like I was saying ‘ something is going on in our friendship group rn and they will all hate me if I get a boyfriend now’ then he came out and said that we won’t tell anyone at all and I trusted him so I said okay. I don’t know why I did but it happened so moving on.

Me and the guy ‘ call him matt’ was walking home from school and there were 2 other friends with us. They were guys in the same year as me and one of them was a family friend of matt ‘call him Oliver’ and the other was a best friend of Oliver ‘ call him harrison’ * matt was in a year lower then me*

When i home I had a message from Oliver asking me if me and matt were together. I was shocked as i didn’t want to be with him in the first place but i didn’t know how to break up with him and now people will know. So I said no and he said that matt told him but Oliver said he won’t tell anyone. So I admitted it and told him not to tell anyone. I asked matt why he told Oliver and he just said because he’s like a brother to him so I just left it.

Then 3/4 or days after I got a message from Harrison asking me if i was with Oliver. I said yeah but not to tell anyone because i was going to break up with him because i didn’t want to be his girlfriend in the first place. He said okay and that he won’t tell anyone.

So I broke up with matt and we didn’t really speak. * this happened 2 years ago*

Now for the past year or so every so often i get asked if I was matts girlfriend at one point. I get so embarrassed as still non of my friends know and I’m in science class with Oliver and Harrison and they both keep giving hints about it. Example- there was rumours I liked this guy who had brown hair and blue eyes, then they both kept saying every science class ‘ oh you must have a thing for guys with brown hair and blue eyes’

and today at school Harrison turned to me and asked if I remember when I was his girlfriend and I just laughed and said shutup as a joke because Harrison thinks I genuinely liked him but I didn’t.

I don’t know how I can get it into a conversation with Harrison and tell him the actual story. We are close as friends but not that close I can just pull him away and tell him. But I don’t know what I will do if everyone found out because I’m still super embarrassed that we ‘ dated ‘ * it was for like 5 days but nvm*

How can I try telling Harrison and Oliver that I never liked matt and that I didn’t even want to date him.