Friends turning against me after breakup

I broke up with this guy two months ago because we had been dating for a year and he had been super emotionally abusive the entire time and had pressured me into a lot of shit, and we were always fighting. I tried to help him with this mental issues, but honestly, a lot of it seemed faked. I don't say that lightly, but a lot of his panic attacks were too perfectly timed for him to get his way, whether it be sexually or in an argument. He'd say multiple times a day that he was going to kill himself, and after a while, I stopped reacting as much. He would throw a fit because of this, and occasionally screamed at me in front of friends, and I know for a fact that he got close to hitting me a few times, though he'd never admit it. Every time I'd tell him about what I was going through, he'd yell at me or find some way to bring the attention back to him. After the fact, I will admit I ranted a lot to other people because the wound was fresh and it was the first time I felt I could really express my emotions. Last week, my ex got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Now, a bunch of the friends I had ranted to, including one of my best friends, are turning against me and basically saying none of it was his fault and that I'm a bitch that's spreading rumors. I understand that bipolar can excuse the mood swings and the fighting, but am I supposed to believe that every single thing he did was out of his control? I really don't know what I'm supposed to think about the entire situation now because I feel like I should still have a right to be mad and upset, but my friends are basically telling me that he's excused for his actions.