Toxic relationship


Little back story, so I’ve always been close with all my family as a younger child & growing up in a household where I thought my parents were all happy Chappy obviously not the case now. Now being a teenager I realise how toxic my parents were for each other and happy that they’ve both moved on 🛫 like living in different states because they were always finding ways to get back together which in the long run destroyed me and my siblings.

I’m at a point where I’m old enough to know what happened between my family and growing up I saw a lot that a young child should not have to whiteness me being me was young and gullible to anything that I was told and being me I always chose my mum over my dad, I used to be close with my brother & father now have little to no relationship with my dad because without even realising it my mum and sister found ways to manipulate me. I still also have little to no relationship with my brother and I love all my family don’t get me wrong but my brother doesn’t trust me like he should because I let people manipulate me into telling them things. I’m currently away from my mother visiting my dad and have asked him some questions and seen text messages and heard the second side to the story finally and I’m back in the same boat not knowing who to trust or believe I’m not old enough to leave home yet, but the reason I’ve decided to visit my family in a different state away from my mum because I’ve started to realise without the help of anyone she is a toxic person who is constantly bringing me down and I don’t want to go between my parents moving back and forth I’ve moved all over Australia because my mum could never settle and I don’t want to move again but I’m honestly seriously considering it i mean I love both of my parents very much but I seriously feel like if I continue living with my mum it’s going to completely ruin me. Not knowing who to trust is a horrible thing especially when it’s between your closest immediate family but if I seriously think about it my dad always had me as a priority even if he went without and don’t get me wrong my mum did to but then it was at a point where if we only had the money to buy food she would get something that was unnecessary. Seriously guys please help me I’m so stuck and I’m unsure of how to handle it I hate this. any advice would be much appreciated.