the doctor

Almost 3 years ago I met a doctor in dental school. I had been in my current relationship for 5 years and let's just keep it short and say my SO had put me through quite a bit. Back to the doctor.. long story short he was VERY attractive and OMG mentally stimulating. I ended up cheating on my husband which resulted with us separating for 9 months. We are back together and things are great... I feel aweful because I can't help but think about the doctor every now and again. I miss the conversation and how into me he was. He was so full of life and spontaneous. My husband is the same but because we have children we don't really get to enjoy each other. It is tearing me up because I have no REAL desire to be with the doctor, I just miss the fun and spunk...wish I had it with my husband. I need help with bringing my relationship back to LIFE!!.. WE NEED FIRE..or fuel..hell i dont know anymore