Apparently Colorblind

So I went to my eye doctor today because my vision has been blurry even with my glasses on. No big deal, I figure I just need to get a new prescription.

Well as I’m talking to the doctor, I compliment his pink shirt. He looks at me funny then starts the test.

Well after he does my vision test he then does a test for how well I can see colors.

Turns out I have slight colorblindness. His shirt was actually a red plaid, but I couldn’t see the pattern on it and also saw it as pink not red.

No big deal. So I can’t see faint colors and some colors blend together for me. It’s not life changing.

Then I get on this app and start looking at General TTC and the Faint Lines group because that’s what I usually do a few times a day. I like to give advice and read info from other people and I love to see early BFPs for people, it makes me happy!

And then it hit me.

For months I have always wondered why negative tests get all these comments that they are positive when I can clearly see they are negative. Especially the red dye tests since they are supposed to be easy to see.

They weren’t negative. I literally can’t see the faint lines on red dye tests because I can’t see shades of red/pink very well especially if they are pale/faint.

Thankfully I just keep scrolling when I see posts with “negative” tests. If I had been saying it was negative when it wasn’t I would have felt like a total bitch. 😱

Makes me wonder if I’ve ever missed any faint lines of my own...