Stepdaughter visits

Bonnie • Mommy of 2 handsome boys. Married to the love of my life with baby #3 on his or her way! Jesus’ girl ❤️

My husband and I have been married for a year now, dating for three. He has a daughter from a previous relationship age 5 and I have 2 sons from a previous relationship as well ages 11 and 6. We live in a 3 bedroom apartment and my sons each have their own bedroom based on their age difference and the fact that his daughter barely comes around due to issues with her mother. Recently we brought her to court to get visitation rights to my stepdaughter. Well her mother wants me to kick my son out of his bedroom so her daughter can have a room, although she will be only utilizing once a week. I do not think that is fair and the children already do not really get along and I fear this will cause more chaos in my home. I agree she n Ed’s her own bed when she is over but to take a little boys room away for a little girl that comes over once a week is just not rite in my eyes and my husband agrees. Although the days she sleeps over I bought an air mattress for my boys so they can have a camp out and she can utilize my youngest bed. Opinions please?! Am I wrong for this because I don’t think I am and I’m trying my hardest to keep the peace in my home. Feedback please.