I hate when he's right

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

I hate when hes right....I know I need to tell my dad I need this car now So I can get down to Texas so i can do this on my own. I know my love is right but Damn. I don't want to see the look on my father's face when I tell him or to hear the disappointment, anger and maybe even resentment in his voice. I know I need to do this on my own and I know the only way for that to happen is for me not to be in my father's house. I just wish I didn't have the overpowering need to please everyone especially when I know it doesn't have to be like that. logically I know it's my life therefore my way, I know I need to do what makes me happy. but for some reason I always put others happiness and wants/needs before my own. always. even when they dont deserve it. I deserve this, I deserve to be on my own, to get what I want by myself. to do it my way. to finally feel like the grown woman I am. to have a life and say I built this myself. I made this happen. I'm angry that everyone always tried to tell me what's best to help me. I know they are doing it because they love me but damnit I'm 23 with a child and I dont have anything going for me. I need to get where I want and where I want is with CJ in Texas where I know I will thrive. but why is it so hard to be honest with my parents.