Bump inside medusa (philtrum) ??

I've had my medusa piercing for like... at least a year. It's been done healing for awhile. And the last couple weeks it's been kind of painful on the underside of my lip (where the flat part of the jewelry is) it feels sort of like there is a cut or a burn there. So I took it out to look - and there is no visible bump or anything. But when I push on my lip I can feel a pretty darn big lump. Its hard, doesn't move, no pus or liquid comes out when I push on it. Wtf is this ???

Didn't bother putting a picture because you literally cant see it. It's inside of my lip. Can only feel it.

The only thing I can find online says that scar tissue build up is common with this when the jewelry moves around and gets irritated (which is possible since I haven't removed the big initial healing jewelry so it's oversized) but scar tissue isn't supposed to hurt??? This hurts 😭