Going to hell ?

Well my friends have been up my ass about everything. The other day I sent my streaks out and said I was home alone, they wouldn’t shut up about it and one of my “friends” told me that since I said that and I have my snap map location on she wouldn’t care if I got raped or kidnapped. That same day since I have a dark sense of humor and joke ab hell and since I’m not catholic but I’m not baptized I’m gonna go to hell. So today they tell me I say “fuck” too much and that it’s okay if I say “shit” but I’m the Bible it says that a sin is a sin and that they are all equal so one isn’t worse than the other. So they threatened to stop hanging out with me and to go to the counselor. One told me to “Grow up a little this weekend” another told me “you need to go to church and pray and turn your life around”. I’m 13 what is there to turn around ? I seriously want to switch schools but we would have to move and I’m not quite sure how to ask about switching schools without my mom being concerned.