my “boyfriend” EDIT: i’m single lmao

GUESS WHAT, okay wait first let me ask what y’all would do if this happened to u, my “boyfriend” just told me yesterday he wants to go back to being friends then switched his mind and said we r still dating but “casually” which in his mind means still dating but not dating which means not super lovey, not saying i love u all the time. then this fucker asked if he could date another person at the same time we’re dating which i’m basically getting the idea of an open relationship and coming from me HELL NO BITCH now we’re “dating” but i’m gonna cut ties later because when we were talking he said he hasn’t had a day to relax since we started dating and all i’ve done is love him and show him how much i cared and this is what i get? he said how it’s hard to be there for somebody like me and i’m just so hurt from this... what would y’all do i need ideas what to do before i cut ties and advice help pls