

*********UPDATE #2**********

Went to the ER today I'm definitely pregnant the bleeding is from A blood clot that's outside of the baby's sack (placenta) not causing any harm to the baby. they say it usually goes away with time but will be monitored during ultrasound visits. Don't give up hope ladies if you see a little blood. I've been spotting for 15 days now. and I did have a regular period on January 8 not knowing that I was already pregnant. I'm now 6 weeks and 4 days today.

************ U P D A T E ***************

I still have not been to the ER yet but everyone has been asking in the comments to take a red dye test because blues give false positive. I have since then went to purchase 3 red dyes and here they are.

I’ve been ttc for my first for just about a year. Two years ago I came off of depo. I had been on depo for 7 years 😖. I was 7 days late with AF at the beginning of January. I had planned to wait a few more days to test because Ive been that late before.

After 7 days AF decides to show; at the time. I knew I was just symptom watching and had gotten too excited without know who I expected nothing of it. I served my 6 day sentence with AF a few days later I began to spot light enough to use a liner. More days went by and I had to start using light tampons to make sure I didn’t leak. It never caught my attention. Yesterday was day 13 of spotting (combined in with my actual af days) when I started to get a little more concerned. I was going to first go to the ER to have it checked out.

But I assumed I was having a irregular period. I google searched my symptoms. (Of course that’s always my first go to)

I’m std free. I just got checked the only thing I could have tried before going to the ER was to rule out the fact that I was pregnant. I went to Walgreens. Purchased a test.

I couldn’t wee so I drank a lot of tea and took a two hour nap. Woke up to my bladder ready to explode

Two minutes of having a death stare with my stick I watch the line move from left to right. And I got the two darkest lines that clearly says I’m pregnant. There was nothing to question about these lines.

(My image)

It still hasn’t set in. I need to go buy 32 more test to make sure lol. But that’s not all.

After now 14 days of light bleeding I think I may have miscarried. My bleeding isn’t heavy like everyone’s Miscarriage stories that I’ve read about and I haven’t had any cramping.

During my 7 days of being late for AF. I was very tired, I wee’d A LOT but they were all short wee’s. I had A LOT of CM. Creamy texture. I had weird dreams of my boyfriend and I yelled at him a lot. Everything seemed to irritate me. But I just thought it was a sign of aunt flow coming. I’m still making a trip to the ER to make sure I haven’t miscarried. But hella afraid of getting an answer that I don’t want to hear. This is how I currently feel.

I’m all over the place. Now I’m scared to move or do too much because if I am pregnant I don’t want to hurt my baby. Lol. This is torture.