Hear me roar bitches

💁🏻‍♀️ • Some of y’all woman need a slap in the face, with a brick.

Sitting at Starbucks studying with one of my close friends, when a group of men behind us begin discussing religion. Whatever do your thing....they begin discussing the sins of “modern women” in annoyed but to each his own I guess. 20ish min later they close with a prayer, as they all hold hands and bow their heads one man begins speaking of “cleansing these modern women of the devil, and bring back to light the real women who provide children, a clean home, and endless satisfaction to their husband, lord guide the women to abandon the misconceptions of the importance in education and bring them back to provide for their husbands” continue in prayer and bash the women who chose studies, or have confidence in themselves, bless the women who stay home and clean, cook, have 10 kids and give their husband endless “pleasure”.

Fought the urge to turn around and smack the shit outta them.

I am a woman hear me fucking roar.