LSD and Cuddles

I got hit up around 1am for a booty call. So I had a threesome w blake and his best friend and we don’t really talk. He picks me up and takes me to his apartment. We drink for a bit- he can’t drink vodka straight which was odd- then take lsd. We talk and sit around the apartment for a bit, then he sits on the couch and tells me to come over. We cuddle and talk about all the shit going on in our lives. I get up to use the bathroom and there wasn’t toilet paper 😂 so we searched the apartment until we found paper towels. I casually mentioned the guns everywhere and he goes into his past- this guy isn’t his dad, but grew up believing until he was 10 (his moms a hoe). He pulls out baby pictures and we go through them laughing. We’re still cuddling and he says, “This wasn’t what I expected, but tonight was so much better.” We makeout for a bit, but it was more sensual and meaningful than anything i’ve experiences. Driving back, we sing to young dumb and broke very off-key but very fitting for the situation. Before I got out of the car, we kissed a few times and we promised to do it again soon <3