Aborted... I miss my baby

I miss my baby i never had... it would have been nearly a 1 year old now...

I had an abortion which i deeply regret.

I regretted it as soon as i took the abortion pill.

It was a very intense loss like a miscarriage. I didnt want it to leave my body. And i was crying for days and greiving the loss and wanting my baby back...

It was the most horrible thing to go through....

Because i was with someone that wanted a baby so much too. But we both got scared.

Anyway. Posting anonymously because i just wanted to get this off my chest and spread awareness on how thinking that just taking an 'abortion' pill is an easy fix.

Its not.

Once pregnant your life changes.

You either have the baby with all the risks involved...

Or you terminate with the options available to make an 'informed' choice.

But either one will forever change you.