To my so called "Mother"..

I wish i could print what im about to write off and send it to you but i dont want to give you the satisfaction of knowing you continue to hurt me. You told me you wished you had aborted me and that I was a burden on you from the age of 12 years old. You accused me of being promiscuous as a young teenager and you know what, youre right. As a grown woman today I can say you should feel shame that your own child felt the need to try and find love in all the wrong places because she never received any love at home. I wasnt a slut like you call me, I was a young troubled child who needed love, stability in her life rather than moving from one town to another every few months having to change schoold upwards of 10 times. I was a difficult child to raise and I get that, but you would be too if you felt like the only reason you were here was for a paycheck from the government. I clearly remember the day you put me on a train at 8pm at night so i could meet a 17yo boy. I was just 12. He didnt show up, and i am so glad because i could have been raped or worse. When I was 15 and dating Terry you told me to go off the pill because I wouldn't get pregnant. When i did fall pregnant you were elated, another meal ticket. You tried to get me to sign my parental rights over to you and when i wouldnt you got mad. As i got older it became apparent to me just how unhealthy my upbringing had been. I was known as the town slut and nobody wanted to be my friend. I decided that I wanted to become a better person so I studied and finished school online. You seemed proud of my achievements but said id ruined my life by having kids so young yet you encouraged it to happen. I moved out, you really didn't like that because you knew it would mean less money for you. You cried poor and made me feel guilty so I co signed a mortgage for you so you wouldn't go homeless and gave you my only car leaving myself and my kids with nothing. I even paid the insurance and helped you weekly with your mortgage but when my now HUSBAND who you tell everyone was a one night stand (have now been together for 4 years!) told me i had to stop throwing money at you i realised he was right and i stopped. Thats why you hate him. Then you decided to cut me off. I was nothing more than a fucking income to you. Ive not seen you in over a year now and i dont care if i never see you again. I am taking you to the supreme court so that house sells and i recoup some of the money i lost. I hate you! I have 4 daughters now and i could never imagine hurting them like you hurt me. I am 27 weeks pregnant, you found out via stalking on social media so now youre telling everyone i am not pregnant and that im just a fat cunt. Nice one. Sucks to be you though, you could have had a very close loving family. I have 5 beautiful kids who i will raise properly to the best of my ability. I am completing my degree in Nursing and I am working. I turned my life aroundI dont do drugs smoke or drink and its a fucking wonder because anyone else would have havi ng to put up with this shit. I dont wish you harm or ill, but ill never want a relationship with you again. I just dont understand why you never loved me. i was just a little girl who wanted someone to love me. you cant blame me for that.