Homebirthed ❤️


*Warning some pics are graphic*

Saturday makes 4 years since my baby girl finally made her appearance into this world ❤️ I had a tough pregnancy. It wore my body out. At exactly one week over due she finally decided to come. I began labor at about 5:30 am when my water suddenly broke while I was falling back asleep. Contractions began immediately. I had HORRIBLE back labor from where she was positioned posterior. I went from 7 cm to 10 cm and she was out within 10 minutes. I delivered my healthy 7 lb 14 oz 20 1/2 in Long babygirl at 7:40 AM. Sorry these pictures are horrible looking lol I took pics of my camera screen. I was just thinking back and looking through the pictures and wanted to share ❤️

I couldn’t have brought my precious baby girl into this world without my husband, midwife, birthing assistant, and doula by my side.

Happy almost 4th birthday babygirl I love you more than life itself